in the very best of hands... At fashion shows in Florence, Italy, Designer Schuberth, "inspired by the sharp, clean look of U.S. Marine recruits," showed off 6 female models in crewcuts bet they still didn't look like Marines . . A Stockholm man wore a nun's habit to a showing of "The Nun's Story." Someone accidentally exposed the masquerade in girl's powder room -Much stir!! . . . Local paper editarialized weepfully over men's mink-trimmed pocket hankies — "Its a far cry from ruggeder days when gents grew their own fur." Two Detroit cops stopped to admire a lifelike nude statue in a large trophy case at McMichael Jr. HiSchool, then went on hunting prowler who'd eaten the nightwatchman's lunch. On 3rd trip round, they noticed the 'statue' bleeding from wrist, and promptly nabbed their unclothed suspect who confessed. Sounds fishy, but I read it in the papers, so it must be true... Came across a matchbook advertising "The Gay Dessert

Libby's Fruit Cocktail Five Fruits in Sweet Cahoots." Well, Get them!! ...

British Admiralty last summer rechristened a fuel tanker: formerly H.M.S. Tiderace, now Tide Flow. They said name was confused with other tankers That wasn't what the name was confused with either, and they know it... Navy sez Polaris subs to have tiny gymnasium, just big enuf for 2 men. Say they're doing all they can to provide normal environment . . . Spaceflight planners also concerned concerned about providing 'normal' environment, aren't too hopeful. In March Journal of Astronautics, George Peters discusses hazards like boredom, confinement, weightlessness and the lack of sex-and we've got a suggestion to save astronautical wives and kids from worrying if


Papa will come back, and that's to keep married men out of such jobs...


For first time in several generations, just about every New York City gay bar has been closed down. According to Richard Mayer in N.Y. Mattachine Newsletter, Chairman Thomas Rohan of State Liquor Authority announced last Oct. that bars "patronized by prostitutes and homosexuals" would be de-licensed. Daily Mirror smut-shover Lee Mortimer urged on the campaign by periodic charges that "Mafia bosses control every queer dive and call-girl joint in the city." He listed most popular gay bars by name, crowed each time one closed. Group of Greenwich Village merchants reportedly tried to halt the businessdepressing closings, and N.Y. Mattachine chapter consulted with lawyers, bar owners and civil liberties groups. As Richard Mayer explained, "Homosexuals, like all good citizens, condemn bars which are unlawfully owned or disreputably operated... but the right of wellbehaved persons, whether heterosexual or homosexual, to congregate in a public place is (constitionally) protected. . .


Will the tavern owners have the guts to fight for their rights (all the way to the hight courts if need be) and for the rights of their customers? Or will they fold up quietly as so many do? Oakland's Vallerga case (complete record to be published in next issue of our Quarterly, HOMOPHILE STUDIES) details a fine blueprint for such a defense. Unfortunately, the patron, whose rights are denied whenever a bar is closed because of his patronage, seems to have no direct legal recourse. Unless in imitation of Southern Negro students, he were to follow the suggestion of the Calif.